6 weeks from kick-off to campaign go-live date
The Strategy
& Context

Generate listeners to the podcast and increase online streaming numbers for the album.

Adults 25+
The campaign
1. Creation of a podcast with strong brand affinity
“Avec ma gueule de Renaud” is 3 ten-minute episodes with Renaud himself an influential host in music journalism Didier Varrod, Director of Music Programs Radio France.
2. Audio ad campaign for the podcast
Pre-recorded ad insertion in Radio France podcasts, #1 publisher of French-language podcasts, with a very strong affinity to the target and the theme.
3. In addition, support via B2B press releases & social media

The results
of Top Album in France during one week**
Download the case study

« From the strategic and editorial support to the podcast delivery, until the production coordination and delivery, Targetspot has managed to finalize the project for the launch of its latest release “Métèque”.»
– Chérifa Afiri, Country Director at Targetspot France