Technical Specifications

Targetspot technical specifications

Audio Creative

File type
Recommended duration
Pre-roll: 20s sharp (00h00m20.000s)
Mid-roll: 30s sharp (00h00m30.000s)
Min audio duration
Max audio duration
Max size
No limitation
CBR 256kbps or 320kbps recommended.
Audio levels
-24 LKFS (+/- 2.0 dB) in the NA as per ATSC A/85 –
-23 LUFS (+/- 1.0 dB) in the EU as per EBU R128 –
Sample rate
44.1 kHz recommended
Third party tracking
Allowed, only secure impression image 1×1 trackers.
Ad serving template
We only accept VAST3.0 when directly used in our adserver.
Please never use VAST/VPAID behind the DSP setup, due to specific audio pre-fetching technologies in audio players and apps, huge discrepancies in the 3rd party ad server should happen.
Deezer creative duration must be between 20s and 30s.

Companion Banner

(On-demand, when available)

File type
Fixed size
300x250px – 300x300px and/or 640x640px
Max weight
Third party tracking
Allowed. Only secure impression image 1×1 trackers
and only secure click trackers.
If this granulated impression tracking is wished, you must provide
dedicated companion banner impression image 1×1 trackers.
Synchro companion banner only available on limited
portion of the
It will be displayed when available.

Material Delivery Deadline

  • Three business days before campaign start date / material update.
  • Material sent after 4PM CET will be considered as deliverable on the next business day.
  • Advertising Operations are centralized in Belgium, please pay attention to Belgian bank holidays in your retro-planning.


Material Delivery Methodology

  • Just like you, we are managing lots of material every day, so it’s required to provide all material in only one zip folder without any subfolders.
  • If material differ by publisher/package/date/etc., it’s required to correctly name material and provide an instruction sheet.
  • Please only provide material and/or third party trackers in use for the Targetspot campaign.


IAB Standard Terms and Conditions

IAB Standard Terms and Conditions for Internet Advertising for Media Buys One Year or Less